How to Fix Audio Renderer Error on YouTube?

Are you getting an ‘Audio renderer error. Please restart your computer’ message on Windows 10?

This can happen when you try to open a YouTube video.

There are a number of fixes you can try to solve this annoying issue:

7 Ways To Fix Audio Renderer Error on YouTube

Let’s take a look at the easiest ways to fix this Error:

1) Unplug and Replug Your Devices

Unplug your headphones (or speakers) and plug them back in, then try again.

This is a temporary fix so you might want to try another one in addition.

2) Restart the PC

This is another temporary fix and will typically solve the problem in the short term.

3) Perform Audio Troubleshooting

There is a troubleshooter included in Windows 10 which can diagnose common issues and fix them automatically.

Try running the troubleshooter to see if it can help.

Audio Renderer Error on YouTube - ms settings troubleshoot
  1. Press the Windows key with R, then type: ms-settings:troubleshoot and hit enter.
  2. Choose ‘playing audio’ then run the troubleshooter.
  3. Pick the device corresponding to the error, then click next.

If a repair strategy is shown, click on yes to try and fix it, then restart the PC to see whether that worked.

4) Audio Driver Reboot

Restarting the audio driver might help release some dynamic system files the operating system is using, and this could affect your audio device.

Audio Renderer Error on YouTube - devmgmt-msc
  1. Press the Windows logo key and R then type: devmgmt.msc and press enter(the device manager opens).
  2. Now click “sound, video and game controllers“.
  3. Right click and then choose “disable” on all the audio adapters.
  4. Now right click and choose “enable” on them all.
  5. Restart the PC and see whether the issue has been fixed.

5) Audio Driver Update

It is important to make sure your devices are running the latest drivers, for optimal PC performance.

You can get the new driver manually directly from the manufacturer’s website, choosing the correct driver for your Windows version.

Audio Renderer Error on YouTube - Driver Easy

Another way is to use Driver Easy to automatically find and install the right drivers for your Windows version and device.

  1. Download Driver Easy then choose scan now. The app will them scan your PC to find outdated drivers.
  2. Next click “update” to get the correct version. There is a free version where you have to manually install new drivers, or a paid one which does everything for you.
  3. Once your drivers are updated, restart the PC.

6) Audio Driver Rollback

Even up to date drivers can cause issues if they are not compatible with your computer.

They can interfere with the startup process and cause other errors.

Audio Renderer Error on YouTube - devmgmt-msc

If you are getting such an issue, you can roll back your drivers to the previous versions.

  1. To do this, press the Windows logo key and R.
  2. Type “devmgmt.msc” and then press OK.
  3. Now click on “sound, video and game controllers“.
  4. Find your audio adapter device then click “properties“.
  5. Click “roll back driver” (if the roll back driver isn’t clickable (grayed out) download the previous driver from the manufacturer’s website, so you can install it).
  6. Finally restart the PC.

7) Match the Sample Rate for ASIO and Audio Drivers

Do you have ASIO audio device software and get an error when opening Cubase (a music creation software)?

This might be caused by the Windows sound system conflicting with the ASIO driver settings.

Audio Renderer Error on YouTube - mmsys cpl

Try matching the sample rate to see if this helps.

  1. Press the Windows logo key and R, then type: “mmsys.cpl” and press “OK“.
  2. Go to the playback tab, then choose the problematic audio device and click on “properties“.
  3. Now click “advanced” then choose the sample rate.
  4. Click “apply” and “OK”, then open the ASIO driver settings and choose the same sample rate here.
  5. Restart the PC.


These are seven simple solutions to fix Audio renderer error on YouTube.

Hopefully one of these fixes will get rid of the error for good.

If you have any question feel free to leave comment below.

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